This book Self-publishing Service Agreement will be considered effective from the date on which the book publishing process or book publishing work is started by Prachi Digital Publication on the author’s book. That is, all the terms and conditions mentioned in this book Self-publishing Service Agreement will be considered effective from the day the work on the author’s book will be started. That is, the effective date of book publishing process or book publishing work is started from the date of payment by the author to the publisher, the date on which the book Self-publishing Service Agreement will commence for both the parties (Author and Publisher). The author certifies that the author himself has been reading the Self Publishing Service Agreement very carefully and consciously. The Author also agrees that he/she is fully aware that this Self Publishing Service Agreement will automatically become effective upon payment of the charges for the Self Publishing Plan. The author certifying that he agrees to the book Self-publishing Service Agreement of Prachi Digital Publication, and that he is share his / her manuscript for book publication by e-mail or WhatsApp. The Author consciously agrees that he is fully aware that this Self Publishing Service Agreement will be effective even upon payment of the Self Publishing Plan, and the Author accepts all the terms and conditions of the Self Publishing Service Agreement. In case of any doubt, it will be the responsibility of the author to obtain complete details from the publisher. Later if the author says that he was not aware of the subject, the publisher will not be responsible for it. It is not necessary that the publisher tells the author everything without asking. Therefore, the author will have to read all the terms and conditions related to book publishing on the publisher’s official website before starting the book publishing process.
Prachi Digital Publication is a reputable self-publishing service provider that operates for profit, so all our services are chargeable. We are not committed to providing any kind of free service to the author, so the author must read the Self-publishing Service Agreement carefully available at our website Self-publishing Service Agreement page before publishing his book with us. Author wishes to publish his/her work (“Work”) through the Prachi Digital Publication, so the Author has approached Prachi Digital Publication with a request to publish and distribute the Works. Upon the request of the author and based on the above representations of the Author, Prachi Digital Publication has agreed to publish and distribute work directly or by collaborating with third parties and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Self-publishing Service Agreement. If and when publisher decides to transfer its rights to a third party, then the transferee will also comply with the terms and conditions of this Self-publishing Service Agreement.
The author is submitting the manuscript of a book or books in his/her own will to Prachi Digital Publication for the purpose of self publishing services including pre-press activities, printing, distribution. Prachi Digital Publication will print and bring into circulation, the manuscript being submitted by the author, up to 30-90 working days of the author’s payment getting cleared. The book is sent to press if there are no dues from the author. This will not include the time taken for the books to reach the author by post/ courier. In the rare case that the book is getting delayed to be published for reasons beyond one’s control – like unavailability of paper, flood, acute power crisis, festival holidays, strike of press workers or whatever other unknown reasons, etc. Prachi Digital Publication will keep the author informed by email/phone and will do their best to get the book published on time. This is a point to note, If the author delays in approving the cover and interior pdf proof of the book shared by publisher for the print process, or revises the interior or cover pdf of the book several times, or shares your manuscripts without editing and proofreading, then in such circumstances the publishing of the book may be delayed. Therefore, if there is any delay on the part of any author in publishing the book or due to any known or unknown reasons, it may take time for the book to be published, but the publisher will make every effort to publish the book on time.
The author certifies that this work (manuscript) is written solely by him, as maybe required under the Applicable Laws to fully protect Prachi Digital Publication from any and all claims of infringement of Intellectual Property Rights by either such Author(s) or any other Person. The author certifies that the Works (as defined below) are free and clear of any instances of libel, defamation, plagiarism, copyrights violation, breach of privacy or misrepresentation of facts. If all the author’s claims are found to be incorrect, then the author will be responsible for it and those who claim will have to deal with themselves and their level. For which the publisher will have no responsibility.
The author also declares that the the pictures /images / illustration / abstract / clip art; including but not limited to the views, representations, descriptions, statements, information, opinions and references used on the book cover and interior pages have been made available by myself (Author). The Content of book shall not constitute or be construed or deemed to reflect the opinion or expression of the Publisher. Neither the Publisher endorse or approve the Content of this book or guarantee the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the Content published herein and do not make any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose. The Publisher shall not be liable whatsoever for any errors, omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, or any other cause or claims for loss or damages of any kind, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss, inability to use, or about the reliability, accuracy or sufficiency of the information contained in author’s book. Therefore, if the images and content or whatever used violate the copyright of any person or institution, the author will be solely responsible for it, for which the author gives full consent and agree under Self-publishing Service Agreement. That is, the publisher will not have any responsibility for such matters in the present or future.
At the same time, if the author creates a special cover art or character illustration or story illustration for the book or any event illustration / drawing of the story from experienced publishers and graphic designers. In such a situation, the copyright right of the cover art or picture will remain with the author, because it is made specifically for the author on demand, for which the author is required to pay the charge fixed by the publisher.
Before sending the manuscript of the book for publication, the author also certifies that he/she has already read the Self-publishing Service Agreement carefully on the publisher’s website, and agrees to all the terms of this Self-publishing Service Agreement.
1.1. “Affiliates” means in relation to any Party, a Person that (directly or indirectly) Controls or is Controlled by or is under common Control of such Party.
1.2. “Agreement” means this Agreement together with any schedules, appendices, annexures and exhibits attached thereto and shall include any modifications, alterations, additions or deletions thereof mutually agreed to in writing and signed by the Parties.
1.3. “Applicable Law” means and includes any statute, law, regulation, ordinance, rule, judgment, rule of law, order, decree, clearance, approval, directive, guideline, policy, requirement or other governmental requirement enacted, promulgated, entered into, agreed or imposed by any Government Authority having jurisdiction with respect to this Agreement and/or business carried on by Prachi Digital Publication and/or Author and/or any of it’s respective Affiliates and/or Works and/or any other matter contained in this Agreement.
1.4. “Authorized Intermediaries” means third party intermediaries who are authorized by Prachi Digital Publication to publish and / or sell Printed Books on or through internet stores or online retail platforms, through distributors, including websites.
1.5. “Author” means an author as defined under Section 2 (d) of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, as updated from time to time.
1.6. “Working Day” means a day, except for a Saturday or Sunday, on which commercial banks are open for business in Nainital, Uttarakhand, India.
1.7. “Confidential Information” means and includes the business, marketing, technical, scientific or other information, sales reports and any user information pertaining to end-users disclosed by either Party, in writing, orally or through any other mode, irrespective of whether such information has been marked or communicated to be confidential or not, which is disclosed in circumstances of confidence, or would be understood by the receiving Party, exercising reasonable business judgment, to be confidential but shall not include information disclosed:
1.7.1. To the extent to which it is required to be disclosed pursuant to any applicable law or action by any relevant authority or other similar requirements provided that wherever reasonably practicable, prior notice of such disclosure shall be made by the such Party to the other Party;
1.7.2. To the extent that the Confidential Information is publicly available (other than as the result of a breach by a Party of its confidentiality obligation under this Agreement);
1.7.3. To its professional advisers including legal, financial and tax advisers and auditors but only to the extent necessary subject to such advisers accepting an equivalent confidentiality obligation;
1.7.4. To the extent such Confidential Information is of a general, conceptual or non-specific nature;
1.7.5. To the extent such Confidential Information was developed/obtained independently by the Parties and not in relation to this Agreement.
1.8. “Customer” means any Person who has purchased Printed Book either directly from Prachi Digital Publication or through the Authorized Intermediaries or Other Intermediaries.
1.9. “Distribute” or “Distribution” means and includes any sale, exchange, distribution, transfer, advertise, store, manage, host, display, access, market and grant for distribution, in each case, in any manner whatsoever.
1.10. “Effective Date” shall mean date of execution of this Agreement.
1.11. “Intellectual Property Rights” or “IPR” means and includes:
1.12. Rights associated with works of authorship, including copyrights, moral rights, neighboring rights, and derivative works thereof, whether arising by operation of law, treaty, contract, license or otherwise together with all registrations, applications, renewals, extensions, continuations, divisions or reissues thereof, and in each case whether registered or not;
1.13. The “minimum selling price” or “MSP” means the minimum selling price, which the publisher proposes to keep the minimum sales price for the book. According to this agreement a printed book is to be sold, which includes all applicable taxes or levies, book production cost, packing material cost, distribution charges, returns, taxes, credit / debit card facilitation charges, other fixed marketplace charges, shipping and handling charges.
1.14. “Maximum Retail Price” or “MRP” means the maximum retail price, which is a printed book, to which all applicable taxes or levies are included in this agreement of terms according to the sale. Which is finalized by the author.
1.15. “Other Intermediaries” means all intermediaries other than Authorized Intermediaries as appointed by Prachi Digital Publication for the purpose of Distribution of the Printed Books or through whom Prachi Digital Publication Distributes the Printed Books to the Customer including book retailers, book wholesalers, libraries, book clubs and any other business which deals in printed books.
1.16. “Printed Book” means the Works as published and Distributed by Prachi Digital Publication and through authorized retail distributors.
1.17. “Tax” means service tax, VAT or any other applicable statutory tax, as the case may be.
1.18. “Term” means the tenure of this Agreement as defined under Section 19 of the Agreement.
1.19. “Territory” means the territory of the Republic of India.
1.20. “Works” or “Content” means literary work or writings or reports or any abridgement of such literary work or writings or reports or any version of literary work or writings or reports in which such literary work or writings or reports is conveyed and in which the Author has requisite rights to use, license, sub-license, publish, exploit, Distribute and which are provided to Prachi Digital Publication by the Author to be Publish and Distribution and each of which is as specifically provided for in the Meta-data and is identified by its ISBN.
2.1. The Author hereby appoints Prachi Digital Publication and Prachi Digital Publication accepts it’s appointment to publish, print and distribute the manuscript within the Territory, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
2.2. The Author hereby irrevocably grants to Prachi Digital Publication, the following rights and privileges to and in connection with the Works:
2.2.1. Further, at any time during the term of this Agreement, the Prachi Digital Publication, as instructed by the Author, shall undertake to carry out publish, print and distribute of the books for and against such consideration as maybe detailed.
2.2.2. Under this Self Publishing Service Agreement, the author is granting the right to the publisher that the publisher can publish details or posts related to the author’s book on the official social media page / account or also on the official blog / website.
Author represents and warrants the following to Publisher:-
3.1. The author certifies that this work (this includes manuscript, pictures, images, drawings and any other materials submitted to Publisher) is written solely by him, as maybe required under the Applicable Laws to fully protect Prachi Digital Publication from any and all claims of infringement of Intellectual Property Rights by either such Author(s) or any other Person and has the full power, authority and right to enter into this Self-publishing Service Agreement.
3.2. This Agreement does not conflict with any other contracts, understandings, or arrangements between the Author and any other person or entity.
3.3. The Work is not in the public domain and is entirely original except for portions thereof for which legally effective written licenses or permissions have been secured.
3.4. The Work as submitted, and its published by the Prachi Digital Publication, do not and will not violate or infringe upon any personal or proprietary rights, including without limitation copyrights, trademark rights, trade secret rights, contract rights, privacy rights, or publicity rights of any other persons and entities.
3.5. The Work and all the rights in Work are free of liens, claims, interests or rights in others of any kind.
3.6. If all the author’s claims are found to be incorrect, then the author will be responsible for it and those who claim will have to deal with themselves and their level. For which the publisher will have no responsibility. Also, Publisher shall not have any legal responsibility for Author’s Work.
3.7. The Work is not defamatory or obscene, or in any other way illegal; and any recipes, formula, instructions, or recommendations contained in the Work are not and will not be injurious to any reader, user, or third person or organization.
3.8. The author declares that the pictures /images / illustration / abstract / clip art used on the book cover and interior pages have been made available by myself (Author). Therefore, if the images used violate the copyright of any person or institution, the author will be solely responsible for it, for which the author gives full consent and agree under Self-publishing Service Agreement. That is, the publisher will not have any responsibility for such matters in the present or future.
3.9. At the same time, if the author creates a special cover art or character illustration or story illustration for the book or any event illustration / drawing of the story from experienced publishers and graphic designers. In such a situation, the copyright right of the cover art or picture will remain with the author. Because it is made specifically for the author on demand, for which the author is required to pay the charge fixed by the publisher. As mentioned at the beginning of the publication agreement, the services offered by us are paid.
3.10. All information submitted to Publisher is entirely accurate to the best knowledge of the Author.
3.11. The author assures that his/her book is not among the follow mentioned categories of books. Prachi Digital Publication does not print and distribute mentioned categories of books:
3.11.1. Erotic, Any types of Adult Content or Books, Pornographic or obscene books.
3.11.2. Books propagating the ideology of terrorist groups, anti-government in content or against the interest of the nation.
3.11.3. Books containing personal attacks, allegations or hatred towards real person(s), organization(s) or communities, books containing legal case histories & solicitations of past, presently continuing or planned future litigation with real person(s), organization(s) or communities.
3.11.4. Books that postulate, propagate or promote superstition and superstitious thinking, like astrology books, books on palmistry, feng shui, black magic, horoscopes, numerology, Vastu Shastra and other forms of magic remedies.
3.12. Content of the Book (Manuscript) is entirely provided and approved by the Author and is publish, print and distribute “as is”. Prachi Digital Publication does not in any manner warrant the accuracy or completeness of, nor endorse the contents or the views or observations therein and notwithstanding anything mentioned elsewhere in the Agreement, the Author shall indemnify Prachi Digital Publication fully for any claims in relation to the content of the Works or violation of any Intellectual Property Rights in or over the content or any part thereof.
Each representation or warranty deemed to be made after the date of this Self-publishing Service Agreement shall be deemed to be made by reference to the facts and circumstances existing at the date the representation or warranty is deemed to be made.
In case of publication of compilation / anthology, if any editor or compiler publishes any compilation / anthology, then publisher Prachi Digital Publication will not have any responsibility or liability for any co-author involved in the compilation / anthology. That is, requests for any amendments to the compilation / anthology or suggestions for any kind of compilation / anthology will not be accepted directly from the co-author, and no communication of any kind will be done by the publisher with the co-author associated with the compilation / anthology. At the same time, if the co-author of the compilation / anthology contacts the publisher directly, then the publisher is not liable to reply to the co-author of the compilation / anthology.
The co-authors associated with the compilation / anthology can request the publisher for suggestions or amendments through the editor or compiler. Printed compilation / anthology copy(ies) will also will be deliver (as per Shipping Policy) to the co-author or editor or compiler upon receipt of instructions from the editor or compiler. In the event of co-author’s mistake of the compilation / anthology or non-acceptance of delivery, the delivery charge or return penalty charge will also be borne by the editor or the co-author will pay the delivery charge or return penalty charge through the editor or compiler and any such In any event, the publisher will not be liable or responsible to any co-author.
The co-authors involved in the compilation / anthology will also be able to complain about courier or delivery (as per the Shipping Policy) through the editor or the compiler. The publisher is not liable to respond when a co-author of the compilation / anthology contacts the publisher directly. The responsibility of replying to the co-authors associated with the compilation / anthology or any other kind of responsibility will be solely with the editor or the compiler.
Overall the publisher Prachi Digital Publication will not be responsible or liable in any way to the co-authors associated with the compilation / anthology in relation to publication of the compilation / anthology. That is, all the responsibility related to the compilation / anthology towards the authors will remain with the editor or the compiler.
The same, in case of compilation / anthology publication only, the royalty accruing from the compilation / anthology will be released only to the bank account of the editor or the compiler as per the book publication agreement. At the same time, from the publication of the compilation / anthology to the sales report, publication budget and any other information related to the compilation / anthology will not be shared with anyone other than the editor or the compiler.
If there is more than one editor or compiler in the any compilation / anthology. In such a situation, all the editors can choose any one editor or compiler as the representative of the compilation / anthology after consultation among themselves. After which, according to Section 2 of the book Self-publishing Service Agreement, all the responsibilities related to compilation / anthology and co-authors will be of the selected editor or compiler’s representative. The book Self-publishing Service Agreement with the publisher will also be signed with the selected editorial or compilers representative and the royalty will also be released in the bank account of the selected editorial or compilers representative.
Also note that if there is more than one editors or compilers in the compilation / anthology, the ISBN will be applied only in the name of the editorial or compilers representative, and only the name of the editorial or compilers representative will be used for any promotion or work related to the compilation / anthology.
At the same time, note also that if the editor or compiler does not properly bear the responsibility to the co-authors, or attempts to evade his responsibility, or to amend the compilation / anthology, or to do any other work relating to the compilation / anthology, or Refers the co-author directly to the Publisher for delivery related works, in any event the Publisher reserves the right to Suspend the sale of the book compiled by the Editor or the Compiler and withhold the royalties accrued. Further, the publisher Prachi Digital Publication reserves the right to terminate the book Self-publishing Service Agreement without giving any notice to the editor or the compiler.
Prachi Digital Publication represents and warrants as follows:
4.1. Prachi Digital Publication shall make all royalty payments that are stipulated under this Agreement in a timely manner.
4.2. Prachi Digital Publication will send sales and earned royalty reports related to the author’s book to the author by e-mail under this Agreement in a timely manner.
4.3. Prachi Digital Publication shall not alter, edit, add or delete new features now known or hereafter developed, to the manuscript delivered by the Author in any manner without the prior consent of the Author. Minor typographic errors may, however, be corrected by Prachi Digital Publication without the consent of the Author.
4.4. Prachi Digital Publication will publish the book as per the features mentioned in the self publishing plan chosen by the author. That is, the facilities mentioned in the self-publishing plan for which the charges have been paid by the author will be made available to the author.
It is the responsibility of the self-published author to provide error free, fully professionally edited and well typed manuscripts in Unicode or Mangal fonts for the book publishing process, because before or after the publication of the book, the Prachi Digital Publication will not be responsible or liable for any kind of mistake in the author’s book. That is, before or after the author’s book is published, the book is published and distributed with grammatical mistakes, or language style mistakes, or any other wording mistakes, or font size on cover and interior layout text matter, or paragraph errors, in such circumstances The publisher will not be responsible or liable in any way, because the publisher processes the book for printing and distribution only after obtaining the consent of the author. The author declares and accepts that after the book is published, no amendments or corrections of any kind can be made in the author’s book. Nor will the author make any claim for it in the future. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the author to give consent for publication of the book only after reading the proof of his book carefully before publishing.
The self publishing services available at Prachi Digital Publication’s website are paid services. When you choose a self publishing plan or any add on service or a product you will be charged for that self publishing plan or product or add on service when you sign up for it. It is to be noted that all self publishing plans offered by Prachi Digital Publication is applicable for book size 5.5 inch x 8.5 inch and full B/W interior and interior paper is 60-70 GSM White or Natural-Shade paper and cover page is 230-250 GSM. If the size of the book is more than 5.5 inch x 8.5 inch then there will be additional charges. If the author’s requirements are different from the self publishing plans offered by the publisher, the publisher will share customized self publishing plans as per the author’s needs upon request. Author shall make all payments for the our all publishing plans or customized self publishing plans (Included with add on services) as per author requirement in 100% advance.
The author can expect the self publishing services from Prachi Digital Publication that are listed in Prachi Digital Publication website If additional services not listed in the selected package are available on additional payment (add on), details of which are not mentioned on the website, details can be obtained directly from the publisher. The Publisher is not bound to display the list of (Add On) Services on the Website nor will it be bound to display the list of (Add On) Services on the Website in future.
The author agrees that Prachi Digital Publication will share with the author the prevailing general details of publishing plans which are often given to the author by the publishers on e-mail or WhatsApp as per the convenience of the author. The author also agrees with the statement that if the publisher fails to display even the smallest general details on the website by mistake or due to any known or unknown reasons. Due to which, after the publishing process is complete, it appears to the author that some unknown or known details have not been displayed in the self-publishing contract or website, then in such a situation the publisher will not be responsible in any way, because every smallest general information It is not possible to make it available on the website. It will be the author’s own responsibility to research the details related to book publishing and obtain or discuss the details with the publisher himself.
If the book publishing process has been initiated by the publisher, the payment for book publishing made by the author to the publisher will be considered non-refundable, as Prachi Digital Publication and their publishing expert team will provide the author a valuable time for book publishing consultancy and book publishing process to print, delivery of books to author. If the author postpones the decision of publication after the publisher has initiated the process of publishing the book, the refund will be made as per the Refund and Cancellation Policy. Therefore, before starting the book publishing process and signing a contract, authors must think carefully. So that future troubles can be avoided. It is the author’s own responsibility to read and review the entire self-publishing contract services carefully.
The refund rules will follow the Refund and Cancellation Policy for product and services as listed on our website. All payments need to be made to Prachi Digital Publication via account payee bank draft only or pay through NEFT / RTGS, bank draft or directly deposit in the official bank account of Prachi Digital Publication . Authors do not make any payment through any mediator. If the author pays any person or other, Prachi Digital Publication will not be responsible in any way for this. Therefore, the writer should carefully make his payment by observing the bank account details on the official website of the publisher.
The author hereby declares that he/she is reading or has read the Book Self Publishing Agreement that Prachi Digital Publication always provides details of those facilities to the authors in written on official website. The facilities which are being provided by the Publisher to the Author under the Self Publishing Plan, or which the Publisher is capable of providing, under the Self Publishing Plan for which charges are being paid by the Author. For which he has no objection and he has accepted all the conditions and will continue to accept them in future also.
The Author agrees and declares that any such feature or features which are not mentioned or shared by Prachi Digital Publication with the Author on the website or in writing via email or WhatsApp. In such a situation, the publisher will not be bound to provide any such facility, which has not been explained in writing by the publisher, because the publisher has not given the details of the facility in writing to the author. At the same time, on the request of the author, the publisher can provide the facility sought by the author, which has not been mentioned in the publisher’s writing, by paying additional charges. If the Publisher is unable to provide the facility requested by the Author, the Publisher is authorized to reject the Author’s request. For which the author will not have any objection or will generate debate in future or present. The Author is well aware that Prachi Digital Publication always provides in writing the details of the services or facilities for which the charges are being paid by the Author or the facilities that the Publisher is able to provide.
The Author consciously agrees that the Author is well aware that Prachi Digital Publication is a publishing firm run for profit, therefore the Publisher also provides add on services at additional charges. Similarly, the author will have to pay additional charges for our other services like editing, proof reading, typing, image insertion, special interior design, color conversion of book or pdf, special cover, special character design, sketching, illustration, promotion services, copyright registration, book distribution in the international market or or whatever other service you require. The Author hereby consents that the Publisher has the right to refuse to make its Add On Services available to the Author, therefore the Author shall be bound by the decision of the Publisher regarding the availability of the Add On Services.
Author shall follow all submissions procedures as reflected on Publisher’s website or by e-mail. The author will send his manuscript to the e-mail shown on the publisher’s website. Also, note that if the author sends the manuscript through another mediator, or sends it to another e-mail in error, the publisher will have no responsibility if the author’s manuscript is misused. The author himself will be responsible for this negligence. If the publisher feels that the author’s manuscript is not eligible for publication, the publisher will have the right to refuse to publish the author’s manuscript. The decision of the publisher regarding the author’s manuscript will be acceptable, for which the publisher will not require any response to the author.
The copyright and all necessary rights of the author’s published book will always remain with the author. The Author gives the publisher the consent / permission / rights to print, publish and distribute the Work (Book) as per the Self-publishing Service Agreement. The author of the book, or his/her nominated family member will be the copyright holder of the book. The author can sell movie rights for this book to any filmmaker or movie producer any time without having to take permission of Prachi Digital Publication, because the publisher has printed, published and distributed the book according to the publication agreement with the author. Therefore, Prachi Digital Publication will never interfere in this matter. It is a matter of the writer’s own profit or loss. The author can get this book translated in any other language and publish translated version of this book in the same country without seeking permission of Prachi Digital Publication.
Once the proofs are reviewed and approved by the author, they will be made available for sale on online marketplaces Amazon, Flipkart and Global Distribution Network. The author’s book will be available for sale at the Indian e-commerce store at the national level or at the global e-commerce store at the international level, it’s depend on the plan choose by the author. The author can avail the service separately as per his convenience and budget. It’s notable point that global distribution usually takes three to six months for an author’s book to be available for sale in well-known online around the world. Under this Self Publishing Service Agreement, the Publisher will always have the right to print and distribute the author’s book directly or through its authorized third party associate printer / distribution / retail partners.
10.1. Domestic Distribution
The process of listing the author’s book for sale on online domestic marketplaces Amazon and Flipkart may usually take a 15 days to 90 days and this timeline can be shorter or longer depending on the existing workload. The Author agrees and well aware that under the Premium plans, the book will be available on both Flipkart and Amazon e-commerce stores, and under the affordable plans, the book will be available for sale only on Amazon India, while it will also be made available for sale on Flipkart, but there is no guarantee that it will always be available on Flipkart.
The author agrees that the publisher does not guarantee that the author’s book will never be out of stock on Amazon or Flipkart. Like; In some cases the book may appear out of stock due to technical problems and any known or unknown reasons or book may appear out of stock due to poor sales performance, in which our distribution partner is not interested in continuing the sale. If the author informs our team about this problem, our team will try to make live it on priority.
10.2. Global Distribution
Under Global Distribution service, then the link to the respective online or offline store will not be provided to the author under Global Distribution, because the metadata of the book is shared by our global distribution partner with their printing partner, library and book store network around the world through metadata feed broadcast. It’s notable that no link is provided by the global partner to the publisher.
Once your book proceed for distribution and book metadata to broadcast across the global ecommerce partner for your title to become available on retail sites., it can take between 6 to 8 weeks for your book to appear on global ecommerce partner. This timeline can be shorter or longer depending on the retailer and time of year. During this timeframe, you may see some odd occurrences with your title. The information may display incorrectly, the title may appear then disappear, the buying options may not show up properly, the cover image may not show up, etc. This is all completely normal and is no cause for alarm. The title will stabilize once 6 – 8 weeks have passed and become permanent on retail sites.
When a title is first enabled for distribution, we send out a metadata feed to our distribution partners and their retailers. How quickly the metadata is uploaded into the distribution database or retailer website varies and is not controlled by Prachi Digital Publication. Also, Prachi Digital Publication has no control over how a title is listed on Amazon Global Network or any global ecommerce retail partners. At times we may submit metadata, but it is essentially up to the retailer to update or not the changes we send and note that Amazon is particularly stubborn about this.
The Author consciously agrees that if the author’s copies are not available in the self-publishing plan chosen by the Author, the Publisher is not obliged to provide even a single copy to the Author, nor will free copies be made available to the Author in future and Nor can the author lay claim to it. If author copies are available in the self publishing plan chosen by the author, Author copies will be dispatched (within 15 working days of publication) to the author by courier or India Post as per the publication plan. For which the author will not have to pay any payment and shipping charges.
If the author demands additional copies in addition to the mentioned author copies in the self publishing plan chosen by the author, they can get additional books at subsidized cost. The author’s attention is again drawn to the fact that, According to this scheme, Author copies will be dispatch to the author within 15 working days of publication. For which no postal / courier charges will be taken from the author. After the book is published, if the authors want to get additional books in future, they can get additional books at subsidized cost. The author is also required to pay shipping charges (Including courier or postage charges and packaging charges) for the delivery of additional books.
That is, additional books will be made available to the author at a subsidized cost. The author will be given at Subsidized Cost only if the author orders at least 30 copies. If the author orders books less than 30 copies, then books will be provided to him at the fixed maximum selling price (MRP). Additional copies will be made available by the publisher on demand within 15-20 working days excluding delivery time, at Subsidized Cost for the author. Authors can calculate the Subsidized cost using the MRP calculator available on the publisher’s website.
Minimum Retail Price is the least possible cost of the book that is decided according to the distribution cost, production cost and printing cost of the book. The author can calculate the minimum selling price of the book through the MRP calculator available on the publisher’s website and then can ensure maximum selling price according to his profit. As soon as you type an MRP, you get to see how much you will earn via each of our sales channels. You may set the price of book as any price higher than Suggest Selling Price. If there is any loss due to this minimum sale price, that any type of loss will be borne by the author. For which the author fully agrees and he has no objection with minimum selling price calculated by MRP Calculator available on publishers website. MRP Calculator available on our website is applicable for book size 5.5 inch x 8.5 inch, 6 inch x 9 inch, 8 inch x 11 inch and full B/W interior and interior paper is 60-70 GSM White or Natural-Shade paper and full color cover page is 230-250 GSM.
The author agrees that the minimum selling price may change as per the current or future market conditions, changes in service charges related to packing and delivery and decrease or increase in production cost on the book, availability of paper used in the book, increase in printing service charges by partner printing press/company. In such a situation the Publisher shall under no circumstances be responsible for any liability to any author or institution for any difference between the past or present calculations made by the author and the future calculations. Therefore the author agrees that if the minimum selling price of the book increases in the future then the author will have no objection to the new increased minimum selling price and the Publisher will always have the right to increase the minimum selling price as per the above mentioned circumstances.
On sell of the each copy, publisher shall pay to the author hundred (100%) percent share of net profit as a royalty in the Premium Plans for domestic & global distribution, or specially customized plan (Plan as per requirement of the author) made available to the author. If author opt for Affordable Plans then publisher shall pay to the author Fixed Ten Percent (10%) of Maximum Retail Price (MRP) as a Royalty for domestic distribution and fifty (50%) percent share of net profit as a royalty for global distribution made available to the author. The author can calculate the estimated net profit they will receive from the sale of the each copy using the royalty calculator available on the publisher’s website.
Net profit are the payments that publisher actually receives from sales of book or distributor or distributor network, after deducted the book production cost, packing material cost, distribution charges, returns, taxes, credit / debit card facilitation charges, other fixed marketplace charges, shipping, handling charges and NEFT / RTGS banking charges by banking partner for royalty payments to the author.
If the books are sold to the author direct by the publisher or the author has received the books at subsidized cost, then in such a situation no royalty will be paid to the author. Publisher shall pay to the author royalties earned on a quarterly basis, within ninety (90) working days after the end of each calendar quarter for the domestic sales and on a semi-annual basis, within ninety (90) working days after the end of each calendar semi-annual for the global sales. Payment of royalties to the author will be done by NEFT/RTGS.
Royalty payment deadline for the domestic sales by Prachi Digital Publication is as follows- January – March royalty payment within 90 working days after the end of March month, April – June royalty payment within 90 working days after the end of June month, July – September Royalty payment will be made within 90 working days after the end of September month, Royalty payment for October – December will be made within 90 working days after the end of December month.
Royalty payment deadline for the global sales by Prachi Digital Publication is as follows- January – June royalty payment within 90 working days after the end of June month, July – December royalty payment within 90 working days after the end of December month.
The author may purchase additional copies from the publisher at a Subsidized cost for himself or to sell. As the cost of printing and publishing is beard by author solely, so he or she has full authority and right to sell independently all the copies given to him or her as free copies or paid copies on behalf of publisher.
First of all let us tell you that Prachi Digital Publication is a Self Publishing Service Provider, not a Best Seller Service Provider or Bookseller and nor do we give any guarantee to be the best seller of any author’s book. As a Self Publishing Service Provider, we only guarantee that your book will never go out of stock, and also guarantee payment of royalty within the stipulated time frame as per the Self Publishing Service Agreement.
Prachi Digital Publication do not guarantee the sale of the author’s book, because We can not control the subjective purchasing decisions of consumers or booksellers. We cannot and do not guarantee sales of the work. We make no guarantees or promises as to the minimum success of the services or the amount of book sales which may result from any or all of the services.
Therefore, If the author’s book is not sold then there is no responsibility for Prachi Digital Publication. According to another fact, online store such as Flipkart, Amazon, also do not give any guarantee of sales to the publisher. So, for which the authors will never make any claim on the Prachi Digital Publication in the future and present.
The author’s attention is again drawn to the fact that if the author’s book is not sold, then the publisher will have no responsibility in it, because the publisher is merely providing services to the author. The author’s books will be made available for sale by the publisher only on leading online stores in India, such as Flipkart, Amazon.
The publisher shall provide to the author with a quarterly statements for domestic sales and semi-annual statements for global sales, including details net copies sold and net revenue, as well as pending royalty payments. Statements and payments shall be delivered to the author by the publisher no later than the final working day of each calendar quarterly for domestic sales and semi-annual for global sales on an ongoing basis. The reports will be delivered to Author by e-mail. Also, note that if the author’s book is not sold in any quarter for domestic sales and semi-annual for global sales, then the sales statement or any other type of e-mail or message will not be sent to the author about that quarter or semi-annual. That is, any sales report / statement or any type of e-mail or message related to the same quarter or semi-annual will be sent to the author, if the author’s books will be sold in that quarter or semi-annual (even if a single book is sold).
The deadline for sharing the quarterly sales statement for domestic sales by Prachi Digital Publication to the author is as follows – For January to March within 60 working days after the end of March month, For April to June within 60 working days after the end of June month, For July to September within 60 working days after the end of September month, For October to December within 60 working days after the end of December month.
The deadline for sharing the semi-annual sales statement for global sales by Prachi Digital Publication to the author is as follows – For January to June within 60 working days after the end of June month, For July to December within 60 working days after the end of December month.
The author must respect the Sales report of Prachi Digital Publication, because, sales reports are sent to us by our respectable distributors, retail sellers. For which we also have to rely on the sales report provided by them. You will also have to believe that there is faith, only then you can work, if you do not believe then you or we can not do anything. If you are not able to trust the sales reports shared by us then you can terminate this self publishing service agreement and get your book published through another publisher. After termination of this self publishing service agreement, we will be removing the sale of all your books from the partner stores. Also ensure that no refund will be issued by the publisher to the author as per Refund and Cancellation Policy, as the package amount is non-refundable after book publication. And also note that all services (such as designing, layout, unlimited inventory management with other services available as per the package) related to self publishing have been provided to the author for the publication package amount.
Often we notice that relatives and friends of the author buy the book from online online marketplace (Amazon and Flipkart) and send a screenshot of its bill or order to the author for satisfaction. But after some time some people cancel the order. Any claim regarding such screenshots will not be acceptable. Because the publisher accepts the claim of such orders, which were received from online marketplace (Amazon and Flipkart) after verification.
That is, when online marketplace (Amazon and Flipkart) takes an order from the customer and sends it to the our distribution partner or retailers and they packs the customer’s order and handover it to online marketplace (Amazon and Flipkart), this order will be valid. No payment of royalty or claim will be accepted on cancel order. As per the privacy policy of the online marketplace (Amazon and Flipkart), we or our distributors, retail sellers cannot share buyers’ names, addresses or other information with any author. Therefore royalty will not be determined on the basis of screenshots related to any kind of order sent by the author or relatives and friends of the author. Nor is it possible to calculate total sales based on order-related screenshots. That is, the royalty will be based on the number of actual books sold by the our distributors or retail sellers.
Self Publishing plans offered by Prachi Digital Publication are based on Print on Demand, hence the author has signed up for the Print on Demand plan. According to Print on Demand Methodology, Prachi Digital Publication works with its various printing service partners across the country and worldwide to make sure author book is printed and delivered to your buyer within the turn around time. This ensures that author book is always available when readers order it from the eCommerce sites Amazon and Flipkart only in India.
Prachi Digital Publication is a self-publishing publisher, so all the services we operate are paid, that is, all the services we operate are not free. As per the publication agreement Prachi Digital Publication will not be promoted on Google, Facebook, Flipkart, Amazon or any other platform for any author, as it is charged by Google, Facebook Amazon or Flipkart. Promotion services are add-on service, the author can take advantage of this by paying a charge. Promotion charge is not included in all the book publishing schemes we run, ie Prachi Digital Publication is committed to make the author’s book available on major Indian online marketplaces such as Amazon and Flipkart. For any type of promotion services, the author has to pay an additional charge. The publisher does not in any way guarantee that the book will remain best selling after the promotion charge. The publisher does not in any way guarantee that the book will remain best selling after the promotion charge. The author can also separately promote and advertise the book to build awareness and increase sales.
The term of this Self-publishing Service Agreement will begin on the date of this Agreement, and shall continue thereafter until terminated in writing by one of the parties, or as provided in clause 21. If the agreement terminated by the author, but the publisher already has a printed book in stock. In such a situation the author can pay for the remaining books in the stock and get them. If the author does not pay for the remaining books in the stock, the publisher can recover his loss / printing cost by selling the remaining books in the stock at a discounted price. For which the author will have no objection nor will the author lay any claim on the Prachi Digital Publication.
The publisher reserves the modification right that the publisher may modify any rule or term or part of the Self-publishing Service Agreement any time and add a new rule or part as per time / condition. Any changes or updates to the Self-publishing Service Agreement will be published on the publisher’s official website at Self-publishing Service Agreement. Notice of any new updates will be provided to the author by e-mail or official Authors WhatsApp group. The new updated Self-publishing Service Agreement published on the official website of the publisher will be deemed to be automatically effective on all old Self-publishing Service Agreements (Self-publishing Service Agreements with previously published authors). The author has read the agreement thoroughly before the self-publishing process of the book and the author agrees that any new updates to the Self-publishing Service Agreement in the future will be accepted or accepted by the any new updated agreement published on the publisher’s official website of the publisher, If the author wishes to continue to use / benefit from the self publishing services of Prachi Digital Publication in future. It will be automatically acceptable for the new / old author and the author to continue self-publishing services or to be connected with the publication, the updated Self-publishing Service Agreement published on the official website.
Under this Self-publishing Service Agreement, the author also accepts that calculation for cost of author copies and minimum selling price are subject to change as per present or future market conditions, change in service charges related to packing & delivery and production cost reduction or increase on the book, availability of paper used in the book, increase in printing service charges by Partners Printing Press/Company. Therefore, the publisher will not be responsible for any accountability to any author or institution under any circumstances, which may be differentiated between the calculations author have made in the past or present and the calculations make in the future. The author has fully understood the formula of author copy cost and book MRP, for which the author has no objection whatsoever, and the author accepts all the terms and conditions of the Self-publishing Service Agreement.
Along with this, the author also agrees with the following below points in the Self Publishing Service Agreement and author accepts the below terms and conditions :
20.1. If the production cost of the book increases due to reasons present or future market conditions, change in service charges related to packing & delivery and production cost reduction or increase on the book, availability of paper used in the book, increase in printing service charges by Partners Printing Press/Company anytime in future or present, then the publisher will have full right to increase the minimum selling price of the book. It will be the duty of the publisher to inform the author before increasing the minimum selling price of the book.
20.2. If the minimum selling price of the book is not increased by the publisher according to the future market conditions, or if the increase in the minimum selling price is not allowed by the author, then In this situation, the publisher will always have the full right to remove the author’s books from sale on the online e-commerce website.
20.3. Any addition or amendment to the Self-Publishing Service Agreement by the publication will be published on the publisher’s official website. The author agrees to the new self-publishing service agreement updated on the website.
20.4. The newly updated or amended terms Self-Publishing Service Agreement published on the official website of the Prachi Digital Publication will be deemed to be automatically effective on all Self-Publishing Service Agreements entered into with authors of previously published books.
20.5. If the author does not agree to the printing cost revision or royalty revision or newly updated or amended terms of Self-publishing Service Agreement published on the publisher’s official website, the author may stop using the services and products. In such a situation, the publisher have right to terminate this Self-publishing Service Agreement immediately and the publisher will not be entitled to give any kind of refund or money to the author.
After the termination of this Self-publishing Service Agreement author will be required to pay for the remaining books (if author book available in stock with publisher or distributor) in the inventory according to the Self-publishing Service Agreement, so that the remaining books can be delivered to the author in a timely manner. If no objections are made by the author after receiving the updated Self-publishing Service Agreement published on the publisher’s official website, then that agreement will be considered as ‘accepted’. In such a situation the publication or other services of the author will continue smoothly.
This Self-publishing Service Agreement shall not be terminated by either Party except in the following cases:
21.1. In case of a material breach of any terms (including the representations and warranties) of this Agreement by a Party (“Defaulting Party”), the other Party (“Non Defaulting Party”) shall, subject to a prior written notice of 60 (sixty) working days, be entitled to terminate this Agreement provided that such breach has not been remedied by the Defaulting Party within the 60 (sixty) working days’ notice period. On failure to remedy the breach, the Non Defaulting Party shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. Either Party may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by issuing a written notice if the Other Party:
21.2.1. files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or insolvency;
21.2.2. makes a general assignment of all its rights in its assets for the benefit of its’ creditors;
21.2.3. has a receiver or trustee to be appointed for its business or property, or
21.2.4. is adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent,
21.3. Prachi Digital Publication always reserves the right to terminate this Self-publishing Service Agreement in cases:
21.3.1. The author breaches any terms and conditions of this terms of use;
21.3.2. Prachi Digital Publication believes in its sole discretion that author’s actions may cause legal liability for such author, other authors or for Prachi Digital Publication or are contrary to the Terms of Use of the Self-publishing Service Agreement.
21.3.3. If the author attempts to harass or blackmailing or abusing the publisher or publisher’s employees by phone calls or e-mail or WhatsApp or by coming to the office without reasonable cause, the publisher shall have the right to terminate the Self-publishing Service Agreement by giving 30 (thirty) days prior written notice to the author.
21.3.4. If the author refuses to accept the terms and conditions of this Self-publishing Service Agreement at any time after the book is published or during the publishing process or at any time in the present or future. In such circumstances, Prachi Digital Publication will always reserve the right to terminate this Self-publishing Service Agreement.
21.3.5. If the author does not sign and return this Self-publishing Service Agreement within 30 days after receiving it or does not provide his official email to share the Self-publishing Service Agreement. So in such circumstances, it will be considered that after publishing the book, the author has not accepted the terms and conditions of this Self-publishing Service Agreement. In such circumstances, Prachi Digital Publication always reserves the right to terminate this Self-publishing Service Agreement.
21.4. If the author does not trust the sales report shared by the publisher over e-mail, Prachi Digital Publication shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving 30 (thirty) days prior written notice.
21.5. In the future any new terms are added or amended or terms are updated in the Self-publishing Service Agreement, which will be updated on the Agreement page available on the official website of the publisher. If the Author refuses to accept them, Prachi Digital Publication shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving 30 (thirty) days prior written notice.
21.6. If due to any change in law, rules, terms, regulations, policy or procedures or any other aspect, condition or circumstance over which the publisher have no control and the business becomes unprofitable or unfeasible in the opinion of either publisher, or if the Publisher becomes insolvent due to any force majeure circumstances, this self-publishing service agreement shall automatically terminate. The Publisher will not be liable to any Author under any such circumstances.
21.7. If the author does not wish to take advantage of the self-publishing services provided by the Prachi Digital Publication in future, the author may terminate the self-publishing service agreement by giving thirty days’ notice to the publisher.
Upon termination or expiry of the Term of this Agreement:
22.1. For a period of 90 (ninety) working days or until the books remaining in the publisher’s stock have sold following termination or expiry of the Term of this Agreement (“Closure Period”), Prachi Digital Publication shall be entitled to use the Works and continue to exercise all its rights as granted hereunder.
22.2. The termination or expiry of this Agreement shall not affect any accrued rights, pending obligations or liabilities of either Party as on the date of such termination or expiry and the Parties shall fulfill and perform and shall be responsible and liable for all their obligations so incurred prior to such date, unless the nature of, and/or reason for termination dictate otherwise, or the Parties agree otherwise. Such termination or expiry shall not affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision hereof which is expressly or by implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such termination or expiry.
22.3. If Author terminates this Agreement before expiry of its Term for the reasons not attributable to Prachi Digital Publication or The author does not wish to renew after the Self-publishing Service Agreement expires and at the time of such termination, the Books of the Author remaining in Stock, the Author shall pay for the Books remaining in Stock. The publisher will deliver the books remaining in stock to the author after payment is received. If the author does not buy the remaining books in stock then Prachi Digital Publication will continue to sell the remaining books in stock to recover the cost of books remaining in stock.
22.4. No refund or payment of any kind will be given by the publisher for publishing charges or other add on services after the book publishing service agreement is terminated. The publisher has provided services for publishing charges and add-on service charges, as well as delivered printed books to the author. For more information, see the refund policy on the publisher’s website. The Publisher shall pay only the royalties earned by the Author in a time bound manner as stipulated under this Agreement.
22.5. The Author declares that the Author agrees that if the self-publishing service agreement is terminated by the Publisher, no payment will be made to the Author under any circumstances. Nor will the Author claim for a refund in future, as the Author is well aware that the Self Publishing services have been provided by the Publisher in lieu of payment made by the Author.
22.6. Survival : All rights and obligations that by their nature or as stated to continue beyond termination will survive.
22.7. The rights and remedies provided herein to the Parties shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies available to the Parties under law.
Both Parties (Publisher and Author) agree to not disclose Confidential Information to any third party except with the prior written consent of the other Party. Both the Parties undertake not to divulge or communicate to any Person (unless required by Applicable Law) or use or exploit for any purpose whatsoever, any Confidential Information which any Party may receive or obtain as a result of entering into this Agreement. This obligation and restriction on both the Parties shall continue to apply for a period of one years after the termination or expiry or early determination of this Agreement.
Author agrees to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless Publisher and its affiliates from and against any losses, lost profits, damages, liabilities, judgments, awards, decrees, settlements, or expenses (including without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs) arising from, connected with, or by reason of any breach or alleged breach of any of the representations and warranties set forth above, but the Author shall not be liable for any matter inserted in the Work by Publisher or its licensees. All warranties and indemnifications made by the Author herein shall survive termination of this Self-publishing Service Agreement or any license under this Agreement.
“Affiliates” means owners, shareholders, officers, directors, employees, parents, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, licensees, distributors, advertisers, Internet service providers, attorneys, and accountants and any other person or entity to whom Publisher extends its license or warranties to in connection with the production, dissemination, transmission, promotion, publication, or distribution of the Work or the exercise of any rights in the Work or derived from the Work.
Any disputes arising out of or relating to any agreement related to this agreement or rights or obligations of the parties here under shall be referred to under the provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitration panel comprises three arbitrators, of which each Party appointed one arbitrator and the two arbitrators appointed as the third arbitrator (“Arbitration Panel”). The arbitration will be done in Nainital, Uttarakhand, India. The award of the arbitration panel will be final and binding on the Parties. The liability to pay the costs of the arbitration will be decided by the arbitration panel.
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Nainital, Uttarakhand, India and all parties consent to venue and jurisdiction only in the courts of the Nainital, Uttarakhand, India to adjudicate any and all claims arising out of this Self-publishing Service Agreement. Any dispute or disagreement arising under this Agreement, or any matter incidental thereto shall be submitted to a sole Arbitrator to be nominated by Prachi Digital Publication. Such arbitration proceedings shall take place only in the Nainital, Uttarakhand, India, subject to the jurisdiction of the local courts only in the Nainital, Uttarakhand, India, under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996.
Self-publishing Service Agreement will be accepted by the publisher through email only. If the author sends this agreement through any other medium, it will be unacceptable. Therefore, the author will be bound to send the scanned PDF copy of this agreement through his personal email after signing the printed copy of this agreement.
The author also declares and agrees that the author will print the Self-publishing Service Agreement sent by the publisher on email at his own expense and will sign the printed agreement and create a PDF of the signed agreement with the help of a computer or mobile scanner app and will share the agreement pdf copy on the official email of the publisher. The Author declares and agrees that he/she is fully aware that the Author must use his own resources to print and scan the Self-publishing Service Agreement after sign on all pages. It is a personal matter of the author as to how he/she prints the Self-publishing Service Agreement and signs on agreement and shares the scanned copy with the publisher over email. The author declares and accepts again that he is well aware that no expense or facility will be provided by the publisher for printing, scanning and sharing the Self-publishing Service Agreement to publisher’s email.
The author declare that he / she himself is the Publishing Right Holder and all the necessary rights of the proposed book are reserved with him. The author (Publishing Right Holder) accepts all the terms and conditions of this Book Self-publishing Service Agreement and certifies that he has already carefully read the Self-Publishing Service Agreement available on the publisher’s website. The author gives consent and certifies that he is fully aware that the Book Self-publishing Service Agreement available on the publisher’s website became effective after payment of the book publishing charge. The author consciously certifies that he has agreed to all the terms and conditions as per this Book Self-publishing Service Agreement and has made 100% advance payment for the book publishing.
(Kindly Note : Rule No. 3.13 of Self-publishing Service Agreement are not applicable to the Editors or Compilers who are appointed for the in house compilation / anthology compiled, organized and published by Prachi Digital Publication. Also not applicable to the co-authors involved in the in-house compilation / anthology.)
Last Updated on : Saturday, 15 February, 2025
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